Meet The Team – Daniel R

Get to know our Accounts Apprentice

If you’ve ever wanted to know about the Northern Balance team now’s your chance. Each week we will be shining a spotlight on someone from the NB staff and hitting them with some quick-fire questions. Next up is Daniel R, our Accounts Apprentice.

How long have you been working for NB?

I started working for Northern Balance on the 9th December, so only a few weeks!

What is your favourite thing about NB?

It has to be the people I work with, they’re all so nice and easy to get along with

What is your favourite film?

Any of the Harry Potter films

What is your favourite TV show?

At the minute it has got to be Power, all time its Family Guy

What is your favourite food?

Any kind of pizza, (except Hawaiian)

What superpower would you like to have?

Be able to stop time and mess with people

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I enjoy going to the gym and watching sports, and eating

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I’m 6’5”


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